Machine station
Here, visitors can see the complete plant that once drove the shunting system. Our club members have worked hard to renovate it.

2014 we have renovated the whole building including the roof and the facade in accordance with the requirements of the German heritage policy. The building consists of the maschine house and the “Befehlsstellwerk 2”. Since 2015 one of the three large plants worked again. Many thanks to the Siemens AG in Chemnitz (WKC) for their help constructing electronic devices and a new supportive maschine.
In the nearer future we will display expositions of Germany’s goods trains both in earlier days and today (work in progress). In addition, we will inform visitors about Richard Hartmann. Hartmann was the “Locomotive King of Saxony” in the late 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. He was the biggest employer in the Kingdom of Saxony (till 1918) and a pioneer of the early German industrialization. In these times the town of Chemnitz was a hot spot of innovation and worldwide known as “Manchester of Saxony”.